DiaCanvas2 (0.14.2) DiaCanvas2 is a flexible diagramming widget. It is based on GnomeCanvas. It uses its own constraint solver to maintain relationships between items on the canvas. License: Shareware
Debian unstable DFSG free software which can't go into Main for various reasons, usually because it depends on non-free software. e.g. there are installer packages for star-office and netscape which belong in here. License: Not Specified
I386 update Suse i386 updates. License: Not Specified
Esware 1.0 The Esware Team announces that a new Linux distribution, called Esware is released. License: Not Specified
SwingWT (0.87) SwingWT is a 100% pure Java library which aims to be a free implementation of Swing and AWT. Unlike Swing, SwingWT drives native peer widgets for your platform from SWT. You can see a screenshot of the basic SwingWT demo here (Linux/GTK2) and here (MacOSX). License: Shareware
Debian Debian files, which do not belong to any other section. License: Not Specified
Slackware-4.0 One of the very first linux distributions. This is version 4.0 License: Not Specified
I386 6.1 The Suse distribution License: Not Specified
Slackware Contributed files License: Not Specified
Slackware-3.6 One of the very first linux distributions. This is version 3.6 License: Not Specified