
All Categories

: Linux >> Programming

  All Categories: Linux >> Programming

  Sub Categories:

   Application (1)
   Build (2)
   C & C++ (37)
   Compilers (42)
   Compilers (13)
   Debuggers (90)
   Documents (1)
   Drivers (3)
   Java (1)
   Languages (104)
   Miscellaneous (111)
   Networking (10)
   Perl (2)
   Pliant (1)
   Python (1)
   Ruby (1)
   Smalltalk (1)
   System (311)
   Tools (268)
   Version Control (8)
   X11 (1)

Category Highlights

libxml2 (2.6.22)
Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project (but usable outside of the Gnome platform), libxml2 library is free software available under the MIT License. XML itself is a metalanguage to design markup languages, i.e. text language where semantic and structure are added to the content using extra "markup" information enclosed between angle brackets. HTML is the most well-known markup language. Though the library is written in C a variety of language bindings make it available in other environments.
License: Shareware
  02/05/2019 Download Now

slacktrack (1.26_1)
slacktrack is a tool to assist with building Slackware packages from the < package >.build scripts that can be found in the distribution source tree.
License: Shareware
  01/24/2019 Download Now

cc2cvs (1.3)
cc2cvs exports ClearCase version control information to the CVS format.
License: Shareware
  02/19/2019 Download Now

Ivy (1.2)
Ivy project is a very powerful dependencies manager oriented toward java dependency management, even if it can be used to manage dependencies of any kind.
License: Shareware
  02/06/2019 Download Now

Yasm (0.4.0)
Yasm is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the "new" BSD License (some portions are under other licenses, see COPYING for details).
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now

Rudiments (0.28.2)
Rudiments is a C++ class library providing base classes for things such as daemons, clients, and servers, and wrapper classes for the standard C functions for things like semaphores, regular expressions, and signal handling.
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now

gtk2-perl (2.12.0)
gtk2-perl project is the collective name for a set of perl bindings for Gtk+ 2.x and various related libraries. These modules make it easy to write Gtk and Gnome applications using a natural, perlish, object-oriented syntax.
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now

Vala (0.42.3 / 0.44.0 Beta 2)
Vala for Linux - A programming language for GNOME developers who want to build awesome GNOME apps
License: LGPL    Size: 3.34 MB 
  03/12/2019 Download Now

XNap Commons (0.9)
XNap Commons project provides a set of utility Java classes for easy handling of common tasks like sortable tables, auto completion, and internationalization, a settings framework, and Swing components like common dialogs, a wizard, a closeable tabbed pane, a directory chooser, and what's-this-style context help.
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now

Configuration File Library (1.0)
The Configuration File Library (CFL) is a collection of routines for manipulating configuration files. The project is a portable library fully written from scratch in pure ANSI C.
License: Shareware
  01/26/2019 Download Now