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: Linux >> Application >> Database

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  All Categories: Linux >> Application >> Database
  Software titles : 1-25 of  199 found.
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1 - MongoDB  4.0.6
MongoDB for Linux : An Open Source, schema-free, cross-platform and high-performance document-oriented database
License: AGPL v3    OS: Linux    Size: 73.26 MB 
  03/09/2019 Download Now
2 - groonga  4.0.8
groonga for Linux : An Open Source full-text search engine and column store application for Mroonga.
License: LGPL v2    OS: Linux    Size: 11.34 MB 
  03/14/2019 Download Now
3 - Redis  3.0.3
Redis for Linux : A persistent key-value database
License: BSD License    OS: Linux    Size: 1.36 MB 
  03/01/2019 Download Now
4 - LiteSQL  0.3.13
LiteSQL for Linux : A C++ library that integrates C++ objects tightly to relational database
License: LGPL    OS: Linux    Size: 1.86 MB 
  03/14/2019 Download Now
5 - Mysql-python  1.2.5
mysql-python for Linux : This tiny and Open Source project provides MySQL support for the Python language
License: GNU Public License    OS: Linux    Size: 0.1 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
6 - MySQL Pack for QNAP TS-101/TS-201  0.3.4
MySQL Pack for QNAP TS-101/TS-201 for Linux : MySQL Pack for QNAP TS-101/TS-201 was created to install MySQL on the QNAP NAS server, TS-101/TS-201.
License: GNU Public License    OS: Linux    Size: 12.53 MB 
  03/05/2019 Download Now
7 - Orabbix  1.2.3
Orabbix for Linux : A free daemon to enquiry an oracle database and send it to a zabbix server
License: Freeware    OS: Linux    Size: 4.85 MB 
  03/14/2019 Download Now
8 - Tellico  2.3.11
Tellico for Linux : A free collection manager for keeping track of your books, music, videos, wine, etc.
License: GPL v3    OS: Linux    Size: 5.17 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
9 - CloverETL Engine  4.1.3
CloverETL Engine for Linux : An open source and cross-platform Java-based data integration framework and ETL software
License: LGPL    OS: Linux    Size: 53.34 MB 
  03/01/2019 Download Now
10 - PostgreSQL  11.2
PostgreSQL for Linux : The World's most advanced Open Source database system with over 15 years of active development
License: BSD License    OS: Linux    Size: 19.71 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
11 - Jude  0.5.0
Jude for Linux : Jude is a RAD tool for data management applications.
License: GNU Public License    OS: Unix    Size: 2.65 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
12 - Ora2Pg  14.1
Ora2Pg for Linux : This Open Source project helps you export a Oracle database schema to a PostgreSQL one
License: Other    OS: Linux    Size: 0.16 MB 
  03/08/2019 Download Now
13 - ceODBC  2.0.1
ceODBC for Linux : ceODBC is a Python extension module that enables access to databases using the ODBC API and conforms to the Python database API.
License: Other    OS: Linux    Size: 65.09 KB 
  03/05/2019 Download Now
14 - DataNucleus Access Platform  4.0.4
DataNucleus Access Platform for Linux : An Open Source and cross-platform data persistence and retrieval application for Linux
License: Apache License    OS: Linux    Size: 26.84 MB 
  03/03/2019 Download Now
15 - MySQL Community Edition  8.0.15 GA
MySQL Community Edition for Linux : The world's most popular open source database server used on millions of websites
License: GNU Public License    OS: Linux    Size: 118.02 MB 
  03/08/2019 Download Now
16 - phpPgAdmin  5.0.4
phpPgAdmin for Linux : A web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL
License: GNU Public License    OS: Unix    Size: 1.05 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
17 - MDB Tools  0.6pre1
MDB Tools for Linux : MDB Tools is a set of tools for reading Microsoft Access MDB files.
License: LGPL    OS: Unix    Size: 0.61 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
18 - Berkeley DB  5.3.28
Berkeley DB for Linux : This is the most widely-used developer database in the world, now available on Linux
License: AGPL v3    OS: Unix    Size: 34 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now
19 - GT.M  6.1-000
GT.M for Linux : A high-performance database engine
License: GPL v3    OS: Linux    Size: 10.37 MB 
  03/06/2019 Download Now
20 - JBoss Application Server  6.0.0
JBoss Application Server for Linux : The number one most widely used Java application server on the market
License: LGPL    OS: Linux    Size: 33.46 MB 
  03/13/2019 Download Now
21 - MySQL Connector/Python  1.1.5
MySQL Connector/Python for Linux : The MySQL Client/Protocol implemented in Python!
License: GNU Public License    OS: Linux    Size: 0.1 MB 
  03/14/2019 Download Now
22 - Mysql-perl-src
Mysql Perl Module
License: Not Specified    OS: Linux
  02/15/2019 Download Now
23 - SQLAlchemy  0.9.8
SQLAlchemy for Linux : An Open Source SQL toolkit and object relational mapper for the Python programming language
License: MIT/X    OS: Linux    Size: 4.08 MB 
  03/03/2019 Download Now
24 - H2 Database Engine  1.4.182 Beta
H2 Database Engine for Linux : An open source Java SQL database (JDBC API) that supports Linux, Windows and Mac
License: Eclipse Public License    OS: Linux    Size: 9.18 MB 
  03/04/2019 Download Now
25 - MUSCLE  6.82
MUSCLE for Linux : A N-way server and client protocol library and server for POSIX-compliant operating systems
License: BSD License    OS: Unix    Size: 2.79 MB KB
  03/19/2019 Download Now

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