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  All Categories: Linux >> Internet >> Document
  Software titles : 1-25 of  52 found.
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1 - KTurtle  1.0
KTurtle is an educational programming environment for the KDE Desktop. KTurtle aims to make programming as easy and touchable as possible, and therefore can be used to teach kids the basics of math, geometry and... programming.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix    Size: 104 KB
  15/10/2023 Download Now
2 - KGeography  23.04.3
KGeography combines the power of technology with the beauty of maps to make learning geography fun and engaging. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or simply someone who loves to explore the world, this innovative tool is a must-have in your educational arsenal.
License: GPLv2    OS: Linux    Size: 100 MB
  10/12/2023 Download Now
3 - jVLT  0.6.0
jVLT project is a vocabulary learning tool. Examples containing one or many of the vocabulary words may be specified.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  03/12/2019 Download Now
4 - Lybniz  0.9.2
Lybniz project is a simple function graph plotter in Python on GTK.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/11/2019 Download Now
5 - GFlashCards  0.2.0
GFlashCards is a Mono app that lets you make lists of questions to ask yourself. It's very much a work in progress. I find it useful and you might too, but it's probably got bugs and it could use a lot more features and polishing.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/24/2019 Download Now
6 - GnomeSword  2.1.1
Gnomesword is a Bible study application for GNOME, a graphical desktop enviroment which is available for several Unix and Linux flavors.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/10/2019 Download Now
7 - kydpdict  0.9.0
Kydpdict is a graphical frontend to Collins' Polish-English, English-Polish and Langenscheidt Polish-German. German-Polish dictionaries published by Young Digital Poland.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/19/2019 Download Now
8 - Keyano  0.1.5
Keyano is a graphical front end for popular Unix applications such as play, aplay, festival, and fortune. It has the ability to turn your PC into a audio/visual sampler that works similar to samplers now in use by DJs.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/21/2019 Download Now
9 - Little Wizard  1.0.1
Little Wizard is a development environment for children. Little Wizard can be programmed without using keyboard, just by using drag and drop.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  03/12/2019 Download Now
10 - acarsdclient  1.60
acarsdclient is an X client for the acarsd server. acarsdclient can simultaneously connect with up to 20 acarsd servers.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  03/12/2019 Download Now
11 - Plutimikation  0.1
Plutimikation is a math learning game for children. It trains basic calculation skills like multiplication in the number range between 1 and 100.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  03/12/2019 Download Now
12 - f2w helpdesk  1.6
f2w helpdesk it's a helpdesk support system based on requests (some people call them tickets), with a simple web interface. Requests can be classified into categories and assigned a priority.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/04/2019 Download Now
13 - TrinityOS  05/22/05
TrinityOS is a step-by-step, example-driven HOWTO on building a very functional Linux box with strong security in mind.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/11/2019 Download Now
14 - KMathsTest  0.2
KMathsTest is a program who randomly generates maths questions for you to answer.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  03/12/2019 Download Now
15 - Emilda  1.2.3
Emilda is an Integrated Library System that features an OPAC, circulation and administration functions, Z39.50 capabilities, and 100% MARC compatibility.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/10/2019 Download Now
16 - EGachine  0.0.8
EGachine is an JavaScript game engine focused on 2D multi-player (networked) games. The idea is to provide a tool for learning by writing computer games.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/08/2019 Download Now
17 - Kio-Sword  0.1-2
Kio-Sword project is a kioslave for the KDE environment. KDE uses kioslaves to access files from many different sources or protocols. For example, the file:/ protocol is used for all local file access, http:/ is used for web access, and the help:/ protocol/ioslave is another way to access the help files in the KDE Help Center.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/19/2019 Download Now
18 - slowarj  0.2.0
Slowarj provides a dictionary and a rehearsal tool, which support almost any language.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/07/2019 Download Now
19 - as2api  0.3
as2api project is a JavaDoc-a-like for ActionScript 2.0.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/27/2019 Download Now
20 - Pauker  1.5
Pauker is a generic flashcard program written in Java. Pauker uses a combination of ultra-shortterm, shortterm, and longterm memory.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/08/2019 Download Now
21 - KAlgebra  0.3
KAlgebra is a MathML-based graphic calculator, thought to bring to the user its power by solving expressions written in MathML or calculating converted common equations to MathML.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/11/2019 Download Now
22 - Score Reading Trainer  0.1.3
Score Reading Trainer helps you improve your (musical) score reading skills by practicing with random scores.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  02/10/2019 Download Now
23 - KWordQuiz  0.6
KWordQuiz is the KDE version of the flashcard and vocabulary learning program WordQuiz. KWordQuiz is published under the GPL.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/09/2019 Download Now
24 - ReadySET  0.9.3
ReadySET is an open source project to produce and maintain a library of reusable software engineering document templates.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  01/12/2019 Download Now
25 - Klang  1.0.2
Klang project is a free language learning package for KDE and QT.
License: Shareware    OS: Unix
  03/11/2019 Download Now

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